
Monday, February 16, 2015

My Katy Hearn Challenge Experience

Lately on Instagram, I have been seeing tons of great progress and motivation from Katy Hearn's latest challenge. For those of you not familiar with Katy (Instagram account: katyhearnfit), she is a RavishSands (bikinis) model and also sponsored by New Vision Nutrition (healthy meals that are delivered to your door). I started to follow her on Instagram about a year ago, inspired by her hard work in fitness and nutrition. I had been lifting weights for about six months with my boyfriend when I decided to take her seasonal challenge. It was hashtagged as khfallchallenge. 

Photo from Katy Hearn's Instagram (@katyhearnfit)

It was an amazing experience! I received my package via email filled with all her workouts and meal plans which were absolutely amazing. I met amazing girls through my support group, these girls were so inspiring. Single, full time moms, college girls, all of them so motivating! Katy Hearn, herself, was motivational with her posts, her emails, I have no idea how she had time to email me back with answers to my questions, but she did! The challenge was so worth it in the end. I found myself reaching my goals and seeing changes in my body. I highly recommend Katy Hearn's challenges. She's an amazing woman! 
I am still on the right track with my fitness journey, and a great deal of that reasoning is the challenge! 

How I stayed motivated:
-posted before pics next to my mirror
-started an inspiration wall (will share next post)
-motivation timed texts (Text Later on Android) for the mornings and before I go to the gym
-gym partner (my lovely boyfriend) 
-posted my before pics on Instagram (I feel like if it's out there, it's harder for me to give up!)
-and I joined a KHfitGirls group (how I met so many people)

I would love to hear other girls stories if they have taken her challenge and share your experience. I love the #KHFitGirls community! 😍
Feel free to contact me at

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