
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Miracle Week!

Hello all!
This week I am testing out "Miracle Nail" I found at the dollar store, for, surprisingly, only a dollar! I have to put a coat on everyday for a week and then remove it with nail polish remover, same for the next week. For the third and final week, I will only coat it three times a week and then remove it. I saw it and I was like, "Why not?!" So, I will give you weekly updates if I see improvement!

I missed my Monday post because I was beyond busy, which Mondays from now on are for fitness updates, tips, or workouts!

So since I was MIA Monday, I have a tip I found useful.
DON"T... wing your workout. Do not step into the gym without not knowing what you are doing!! I have found myself in this trap, and it is no good. I get a crappy workout & I extremely unmotivated!
DO... write what you are going to do that day. Write it in pen, type it in your phone, WHATEVER! It will make a difference. I find myself saying, "I will work hard and finish this workout!" I write my workouts on note cards, hole punch them and tie a cute ribbon on them (heehee!).
I also am going to share with y'all a quick workout you can do in between sets or cardio:
- 30 reverse, elevated lunges with weight
- 30 bicycle crunches
- 30 sumo squats with kettlebell
Do this three or four times and you will feel the burn in your booty and your abs (make sure you flex those abs!).

Happy Wednesday! We are halfway to the weekend! You can make it!

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