
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Passionate fighting

What is a relationship without its fights? 
Recently I read an articles, something like, 10 things that is wrong with relationships these days. 
First of all, I hate those kind of articles where they tell YOU what's wrong with YOUR relationship. No, you don't know me, or my man, or anything of the sorts. But for shiz and giggles, I clicked it to see what these "experts" had to say. 
There is no such thing as passionate fighting. 
That was the first No No I read and I was done. 
What is love without the passion? Passion comes from loving, from kissing, from holding hands, and yes, even fighting. 
Fighting reminds us what we could be potentially losing if we didn't make up. You realize how much you have to lose, all your time, effort, love toward that person is reminded. Fighting is reminding, and making up is the sweetest of all those passions. 

This is all coming from personal experience with Zach. We fight, we stay mad for a half an hour, then we make up. Recently, we had the biggest fight in a while, and it sucked. On the verge of tears and giving up, we both knew we were just being stupid.we belong together, through thick and thin. That's something I love about us. We're so passionate in everything we do, including fighting. I can't imagine life without the silly fights! We all have our disagreements and in the end, we will always be okay.

Monday, March 23, 2015


I have been so busy the last two weeks with class, work, and setting up my etsy shop and stocking up my inventory! Currently making garlands, vinyl tees, and possibly start on some bible journaling artwork. Bible journaling is amazing, just search #IllustratedFaith and you will not be disappointed! I have always been artsy, but to be able to bring my faith and talent together is seriously inspiring. 
So besides that, my boyfriend and I have been binge watching Arrow (AMAZING!). And the fact that we are finally on Spring break, the binge has gotten worse. But I am not complaining. Our break has been so relaxing, considering how hectic it has been. 
One thing I am most excited for this break is for Zach to make me dinner! Even though he doesn't know it, he is a good cook! I remember the first meal he cooked for me, he was so nervous about it but it was delicious! He even had his momma help him with the twice baked potatoes. Zach has always been so thoughtful! 
Promise to start posting workout clips soon as soon as my YouTube account is set up, so stayed tuned! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

February BirchBox + New Hobby

I knew I made an awesome choice for signing up for BirchBox last month when my name addressed on the package was The Glorious Kady O'Farrell! 
BirchBox is a monthly box delivered to your door with five personalized samples of products you are going to love for just $10 a month! The products come in this cute little box. 

My first sample is the BeeKind shampoo. 

The Cynthia Rowley Beauty eyeliner. 

Essential Elements Lotion. 

Harvey Prince Hello perfume 

PARLOR by Jeff Chastain Sea Salt Spray 


I have also picked up on a new hobby with practicing "fake calligraphy." I have always been told my handwriting is so neat, so I have decided to share my gift with the world. I have been attending church and finding the bible so interesting, but I have never owned a bible. I took one step deeper into my faith and ordered one. I have also decided to start journaling in my bible. Check out the hashtag #illustratedfaith and you will see thousands of posts of beautiful pieces! My bible is actually on back order and won't be here until early April. 
Also, I have been having several technical difficulties with my videos, but I promise to have them up and running ASAP. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"She Did What?!" Elevated Pulsing lunges

Not only a good workout, but it is a good warm up. You can feel the stretch in your hammies and booty.

Preschooler Convo + Sunday Updates

I will get married then go to prison

That is what I was told yesterday in my childcare class when we sitting around the table talking about going to kindergarten next year. 
Me: so are you excited to go kindergarten next year? 
Preschooler: yes, but I have to get married first 
Me: wait, what?? 
Preschooler: yep! After I get married I'll go to prison
Me: wait, what????
Preschooler: yep. Then I'll go to kindergarten.

Oh how I love the conversations with my kiddos. They come up with the craziest things. It is such a blessing to work with them and hear all their stories and opinions on life. 

The great snow storm has now turned ice storm, and sadly, we're going to have another snow storm next weekend. Sad face.. But yesterday, Zach and I were leaving to go to Starbucks and he beefed on the stairs, I helped him up first, then laughed. He wasn't too happy about my status either, but he's a good sport. 

But karma kicked in today, and I beefed it outside the gym in front of everybody, and it HURT. Zach has been under the weather and I haven't felt so well either, so we've been watching Hulu and relaxing all weekend but hopefully get some stuff done today. 
My list for today is TOO long..

Friday, February 20, 2015

1st EVER "She Did What?!" daily exercise

I am so excited to reveal my first exercise right here on my blog! And it is definitely one of my favorites.

Tonight I am demoing the half ball squats!

The hardest part is actually getting onto the half ball. It takes practice.
Do not let your knees go past the tips of your toes and hold your car. I definitely feel the burn in the glutes and my core! Do not forget to breathe!

I am not a certified trainer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day #3

Day 3 of the snow storm, but I finally ventured outside my dorm to see how my poor car was doing. Worse thing about snow plows, they'll just plow snow right into you car without care. 

And with the windshield this morning, it feels like -1! Yay for winter! But that's beside the point, the crazy thing is, my hair has been the exact SAME for the past three days and it's sad. 

And it's still like this! That's what snow days do to you, makes you extremely lazy. I have been laying in bed for the majority of the time catching up with TV shows like The Walking Dead, Vikings, and Pretty Little Liars. 
Zach and I have also decided what we are doing for Lent. We are completely giving up junk food. We have been slacking lately with our workouts and our nutrition, so I will posting more of my replacement snacks. So this means...NO CHIPS, NO CANDY, NO COOKIES, NO CRACKERS! 
Also, tonight I will be posting my first exercise! So stay tune! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Well, everyone I know is safe and sound after the first (and hopefully last) snow storm this year! Luckily, the weather stations knew it was coming and gave us a pretty big warning about what was to come. One of the biggest warnings of how bad the storm was going to be was that The Weather Channel arrived in Louisville.. Oh dear. When we heard that, we knew it was going to be bad. 
Zachary and I went grocery shopping the night before, and we weren't the only ones with that great idea, everywhere was completely packed! Got the famous milk and bread! Plus popcorn! 
Every school in a 70 miles radius was called off, including businesses. The awesome thing about working at a preschool is that we don't go in if the school has a snow day. Works out better and SAFER. Zach called in as well because he was feeling under the weather. We got to sleep in, but we were like little kids, jumping out of bed and looking out the window. It was about 7 inches out at that point.
The snow day worked out, Zach caught up on hours of homework while I caught up on Bate's Motel. We discovered a new, HILARIOUS show, Brooklyn Nine Nine with Andy Samberg in it on FOX. Thank goodness we grabbed popcorn the night before. 
Snow days are my absolute favorite, it's definitely cuddle weather! But I am ready for spring and for the pool! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Katy Hearn Challenge Experience

Lately on Instagram, I have been seeing tons of great progress and motivation from Katy Hearn's latest challenge. For those of you not familiar with Katy (Instagram account: katyhearnfit), she is a RavishSands (bikinis) model and also sponsored by New Vision Nutrition (healthy meals that are delivered to your door). I started to follow her on Instagram about a year ago, inspired by her hard work in fitness and nutrition. I had been lifting weights for about six months with my boyfriend when I decided to take her seasonal challenge. It was hashtagged as khfallchallenge. 

Photo from Katy Hearn's Instagram (@katyhearnfit)

It was an amazing experience! I received my package via email filled with all her workouts and meal plans which were absolutely amazing. I met amazing girls through my support group, these girls were so inspiring. Single, full time moms, college girls, all of them so motivating! Katy Hearn, herself, was motivational with her posts, her emails, I have no idea how she had time to email me back with answers to my questions, but she did! The challenge was so worth it in the end. I found myself reaching my goals and seeing changes in my body. I highly recommend Katy Hearn's challenges. She's an amazing woman! 
I am still on the right track with my fitness journey, and a great deal of that reasoning is the challenge! 

How I stayed motivated:
-posted before pics next to my mirror
-started an inspiration wall (will share next post)
-motivation timed texts (Text Later on Android) for the mornings and before I go to the gym
-gym partner (my lovely boyfriend) 
-posted my before pics on Instagram (I feel like if it's out there, it's harder for me to give up!)
-and I joined a KHfitGirls group (how I met so many people)

I would love to hear other girls stories if they have taken her challenge and share your experience. I love the #KHFitGirls community! 😍
Feel free to contact me at

Monday, February 9, 2015

Reviewing the illumask!

I saw the ad on TV and I joked around with my boyfriend I wanted it. A few weeks later, I was browsing Target like every other week, I'm sure my fellow Target lovers understand! Anyways, I came across the product and without giving it much thought, I picked it up. 
Everytime I shop for face wash, I always have this memory in the back of my head that still haunts me today: I was in 6th grade, not yet discovering makeup, but with the recent flare ups, my momma got me face wash to help clear it up. At soccer practice, one of my teammates (in front of everyone..) told me to wash my face because I had too many pimples. 2 things I realized that day: 1. Girls are mean, and I can't believe I didn't cry. And 2. From that day forward, I would become overly worried about my skin.
I have always struggled with acne, not really finding a good product that worked, not even prescriptions, which only worked temporarily, after a couple of good months, I was back where I started. So, I was desperate, and I seriously have tried EVERYTHING. And NOTHING worked. 
So I picked the illumask up and I tried it when I got home. Basically you put the mask on, hold down the button until it turns on and it will stay on for about 15 minutes. Only 15 minutes a day! 

And after 2 and a half weeks of using it, here are my results: 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Miracle Week!

Hello all!
This week I am testing out "Miracle Nail" I found at the dollar store, for, surprisingly, only a dollar! I have to put a coat on everyday for a week and then remove it with nail polish remover, same for the next week. For the third and final week, I will only coat it three times a week and then remove it. I saw it and I was like, "Why not?!" So, I will give you weekly updates if I see improvement!

I missed my Monday post because I was beyond busy, which Mondays from now on are for fitness updates, tips, or workouts!

So since I was MIA Monday, I have a tip I found useful.
DON"T... wing your workout. Do not step into the gym without not knowing what you are doing!! I have found myself in this trap, and it is no good. I get a crappy workout & I extremely unmotivated!
DO... write what you are going to do that day. Write it in pen, type it in your phone, WHATEVER! It will make a difference. I find myself saying, "I will work hard and finish this workout!" I write my workouts on note cards, hole punch them and tie a cute ribbon on them (heehee!).
I also am going to share with y'all a quick workout you can do in between sets or cardio:
- 30 reverse, elevated lunges with weight
- 30 bicycle crunches
- 30 sumo squats with kettlebell
Do this three or four times and you will feel the burn in your booty and your abs (make sure you flex those abs!).

Happy Wednesday! We are halfway to the weekend! You can make it!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Christmas Treats in Review

Christmas means baking, that's for sure.
I made four or five things this year, and they we're all a big hit at work and with the family!
Every one's personal favorite: my famous Oreo balls!


Plus, they are super easy to make!

  • one pack of Oreos
  • one pack of cream cheese
  • a pack of white chocolate
Crush the Oreos into tiny pieces, add the block of cream cheese to the bowl, (here comes to messy part!) using your hands, mush the oreo crumbs and cream cheese together until it is completely mixed. Roll it into small balls and melt the white chocolate. Dip the balls into the white chocolate, sprinkle it with your favorite topping, and set in the fridge! 
Then, I went a little crazy with the left over white chocolate. I dipped mini pretzel sticks, Oreos, and plastic spoons in it. Super easy to do with the melted chocolate.

I also made Christmas crack. Basically you melt white chocolate on a plate, sprinkle m&m's, pretzels, and Oreos on top. Put it in the freezer and you're finished!

How did your Christmas baking go? Have any yummy recipes? Let me know!

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year (Friday night list!)

Hello all,
I have been EXTREMELY busy, and I am sure you have been too.
So here is an update:

  • I had a wonderful Christmas in New York, although I missed my man who was in Mississippi for a wedding.
  • That was the very first time that we didn't go on seeing each other everyday (yes, we're those kind of people).
  • I received a Silhouette Portrait to help kick start an Etsy shop (y'all will see many posts about that coming soon).
  • I lost the cutter the other day, so I do not have a finished product..
  • School has started, and the 17 credit hours are already kicking my booty!
  • Created a whole new workout for the gym, and I will for sure share it later.
  • Work is absolutely amazing, I love being with the little ones and hearing their funny conversations, watching their silly habits, and helping teach them. I am so glad I have found my passion in preschoolers. They surprise me everyday.
  •  Zach and I went to church for the first time last Sunday, and let me tell you, it was a wake up call. For one, I have been going to a Catholic church for over 15 years of my life, so you can imagine that. Also, this is a nondenominational church, they rocked out like crazy and I absolutely loved it! 
  • It was especially special because Zach whispered to me, "I am not really sure how to pray." and the main theme of church ended up being about praying! It was really eye opening, and I am so excited to attend this Sunday.
  • I am still going strong in my gallon challenge. For the last few months, I have been carrying around a gallon of water and drinking the whole thing everyday. It is a great way to track your intake and keeps you hydrated!
You will soon find out that I am a lists person! So bare with me. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!